Provide information for Google Play's Data safety section

Google Play's Data safety section provides developers with a transparent way to show users if and how they collect, share, and protect user data, before users install an app. Developers are required to tell us about their apps' privacy and security practices by completing a form in Play Console. This information is then shown on your app's store listing on Google Play.

This article provides an overview of the Data safety form requirements, guidance for completing the form, and information about any recent or upcoming changes.

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The Data safety section on Google Play is a simple way for you to help people understand what user data your app collects or shares, and to showcase your app’s key privacy and security practices. This information helps users make more informed choices when deciding which apps to install.

All developers must declare how they collect and handle user data for the apps they publish on Google Play, and provide details about how they protect this data through security practices like encryption. This includes data collected and handled through any third-party libraries or SDKs used in their apps. You may want to refer to your SDK providers’ published Data safety information for details. Check Google Play SDK Index to see if your provider has provided a link to their guidance.

You can provide this information through the Data safety form on the App content page in Play Console. After you complete and submit the Data safety form, Google Play reviews the information you provide as part of the app review process. It's then shown on your store listing to help Google Play users understand how you collect and share data before they download your app.

You alone are responsible for making complete and accurate declarations in your app’s store listing on Google Play. Google Play reviews apps across all policy requirements; however we cannot make determinations on behalf of the developers of how they handle user data. Only you possess all the information required to complete the Data safety form. When Google becomes aware of a discrepancy between your app behavior and your declaration, we may take appropriate action, including enforcement action.

You can expand the section below to see how your store listing looks to Google Play users, and notifications and updates users may see if you make certain changes to your app's Data safety section.

Which developers need to complete the Data safety form in Play Console?

All developers that have an app published on Google Play must complete the Data safety form, including apps on closed, open, or production testing tracks. This also applies to pregranted and preloaded apps that update through Google Play.

Apps that are active on internal testing tracks are exempt from inclusion in the data safety section. Apps that are exclusively active on this track do not need to complete the Data safety form.

Even developers with apps that do not collect any user data must complete this form and provide a link to their privacy policy. In this case, the completed form and privacy policy can indicate that no user data is collected or shared.

System services and private apps do not need to complete the Data safety form.

While a global form is required for each app defined at the app package level, developers may exclude old artifacts from their form. This is applicable for artifacts with effective target SdkVersion below 21 where the majority of the app’s active user install base (90%+) is on artifacts with effective target SdkVersion 21 or higher.

Getting your information ready

Before you provide information for Google Play's Data safety section, we recommend that you:

  • Read and understand the requirements for completing the Data safety form in Play Console and complying with our User Data policy.
  • Ensure that you've added a privacy policy; this is required to complete the Data safety form and have your data safety information shown to users.
  • Review how your app collects and shares user data and your app’s security practices. In particular, check your app’s declared permissions and the APIs that your app uses.
  • In addition to reviewing how your app collects and shares user data, you should also review how any third-party code (such as third-party libraries or SDKs) in your app collects and shares such data. It's your responsibility to ensure that any such code used in your app is compliant with Play Developer Program policies. You must reflect data collection or sharing carried out by such third-party code in the Data safety form for your app.
  • Watch the Google Play PolicyBytes Data safety form walkthrough video below, which takes you through all the resources and steps required to complete the Data safety form.

What developers need to disclose in the Data safety form

This section explains what information you need to disclose in the Data safety form in Play Console, and lists the user data types and purposes you can select.

What developers need to declare across data types

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Data types and purposes

Click on the sections below to expand or collapse them.

Completing the Data safety form in Play Console

You can tell us about your app’s privacy and security practices in the Data safety form on the App content page in Play Console.


First, you'll be asked whether your app collects or shares certain types of user data. This is where you let us know whether your app collects or shares any of the required user data types. If it does, you'll be asked some questions about your privacy and security practices. If you're unsure about any of these questions, you can save your form as a draft at any time and return to it later.

Next, you'll answer some questions about each type of user data. If your app does collect or share any of the required user data types, you'll be asked to select them. For each type of data, you'll be asked questions about how the data is used and handled.

Before you submit, you'll see a preview of what will be shown to users on your store listing. After you submit, the information you provided will be reviewed by Google as part of the app review process.

Google’s review process is not designed to verify the accuracy and completeness of your data safety declarations. While we may detect certain discrepancies in your declarations and we will be taking appropriate enforcement measures when we do, only you possess all the information required to complete the Data safety form. You alone are responsible for making complete and accurate declarations in your app’s store listing on Google Play.

Complete and submit your form

When you're ready to start, here's how you complete and submit your Data safety form in Play Console:

  1. Open Play Console and go to the App content page.
  2. Under "Data safety," select Start.
  3. Before you start the form, read the "Overview" section. This provides information about the questions you'll be asked, and the information you'll need to provide. When you've finished reading and are ready to get started, select Next to move on to the next section.
  4. In the "Data collection and security" section, review the list of required user data types that you need to disclose. If your app collects or shares any of the required user data types, select Yes. If not, select No.
  5. If you selected Yes, confirm the following by answering Yes or No:
    • Whether or not all of the user data collected by your app is encrypted in transit.
    • Whether or not you provide a way for users to request that their data is deleted.
  6. Select Next to move on to the next section.
  7.  In the "Data types" section, select all of the user data types collected or shared by your app. When you're finished, select Next to move on to the next section. You must [complete this section in accordance with the data collection and sharing guidance above.
  8. In the "Data usage and handling" section, answer questions about how the data is used and handled for each user data type your app collects or shares. Next to each user data type, select Start to answer the questions. When you're finished, select Next to move on to the next section.
    • Note: You can change the user data types that are selected by going back to the previous section and changing your selections.
  9. After answering all questions, the "Store listing preview" section previews the information that will be shown to users on Google Play based on the form answers you've provided. Review this information.
  10. If you're ready to submit your completed form, select Submit. If you want to go back and change something, you can select Back to amend your answers. If you're not sure about something, you can select Save as draft and return to the form later. If you select Discard changes, you'll need to start the form again.

Import or export your form responses

You can export your form responses to a CSV file. You can also download a sample CSV, complete the form offline, and import your completed form from the CSV.

Click here to download a sample CSV.

After you submit your Data safety form

After you submit, the information you provided will be reviewed by Google as part of the app review process.

Until July 20, 2022, you can temporarily proceed to publish app updates regardless of whether we find issues with the information you've disclosed. If there are no issues, your app will be approved and you won't need to do anything. If there are issues, you will need to revert your Data safety form's status to "Draft" in Play Console to publish your app update. We will also send the developer account owner an email, an Inbox message in Play Console, and show this information on the Policy status (Policy > Policy status) page.

After July 20, 2022, all apps will be required to have completed an accurate Data safety form that discloses their data collection and sharing practices (including apps that do not collect any user data).

Optional format for SDKs

If you're an SDK provider, you can click on the section below to view an optional format you can use to publish guidance for your users. 

Developers will need to disclose their app's data collection, sharing, and security practices as part of Google Play’s new Data safety section. To assist developers in helping build user data and security transparency, the guidance below can be used to publish SDK guidance for developers incorporating your SDK into their apps.

Google Play is publishing this optional structure for SDK developers to use at your convenience, but you may use any format or none based on the needs of your users.

Frequently asked questions

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App submission and review

Completing the Data safety form

Change log

You can refer to this section to see a revision history for this article, so you can keep track of changes over time. We'll add dated entries here whenever we make significant changes to this article in the future.

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