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Doktor Abraham Erskine

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Doctor Abraham Erskine was a scientist who created the original Super Soldier Serum. Whilst living in Nazi Germany, he was forced to use a preliminary version ...
Doctor Abraham Erskine was a Jewish scientist born and raised in Germany. He worked for Nazi Germany during World War II. Projekt Nietzsche. In February 1940, ...
A world-famous German Jewish scientist, Professor Abraham Erskine spent most of his life trying to find a method of producing a biologically ideal human being ...
Dr. Abraham Erskine je tvůrcem séra, které mělo obyčejného člověka přeměnit na Super-vojáka. Po nezdařených pokusech v oblasti experimentu se sérem se ...
Dr. Abraham Erskine was a Jewish scientist born and raised in Germany. He worked for Nazi Germany during World War II. In February 1940, Nazi scientists Dr.
Disambiguation: creator of the Super-Soldier Serum, Earth-616. First published in: 1941. Description: In 1940, Dr. Abraham Erskine developed a Super-Soldier ...
Doktor Abraham Erskine byl vědec, který vytvořil původní sérum super vojáka. Zatímco žil v nacistickém Německu, byl nucen použít předběžnou verzi séra na ...
6. 7. 2013 · Dr. Erskine, played by Stanley Tucci, was the scientist that developed the Super Soldier Serum. He originally used it on Johann Smidt but ...
22. 3. 2020 · The creator of the Super Soldier Serum that created Captain America. He was assassinated before writing down the formula, which led to several ...
Dr. Abraham Erskine, noto anche con lo pseudonimo di Dr. Josef Reinstein, č un personaggio dei fumetti creato da Joe Simon (testi) e Jack Kirby (disegni), ...