El Kāma-sūtra es un antiguo texto hinduista que trata sobre el comportamiento sexual humano; el cual destaca por las posturas corporales a realizar en su ...
The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Hindu Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life. Attributed to Vātsyāyana, the Kama Sutra ...
The Kama Sutra Book by Malika Favre.
2 jul 2023 · Kama Sutra is an ancient Hindu text popularly known for detailing intricate sex positions, but it is much more than that.
A stunning new guide for modern lovers inspired by the ancient art of seduction and sexual fulfillment -- with over 200 step-by-step color photographs ...
27 may 2020 · For this one, the male partner kneels onto the bed or floor and elevates the female partner's hips while her head remains lowered and resting on ...
Surveying thousands of years of sexual practice in Asia, this guide for lovers covers all aspects of sexual pleasure from seduction and massage to the most ...
22 sept 2022 · The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian book about how to live well. It includes some descriptions of sex positions, but it teaches a lot more ...
Kamasutra advises readers on how to kiss, caress, bite and penetrate, taking particular care to keep individual tastes from prevailing. The Kamasutra provides ...
4 may 2023 · The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Sanskrit text written by Vātsyāyana, a celibate Indian philosopher. In the Western world the text is ...


Libro de Vatsiaiana
El Kāma-sūtra es un antiguo texto hinduista que trata sobre el comportamiento sexual humano; el cual destaca por las posturas corporales a realizar en su práctica. काम-सूत्र, en escritura devánagari. kāma-sūtra, en el sistema AITS de... Wikipedia
Autor: Vatsiaiana