Law and Mediation Office of Norma Lambert MacLeod, A PC
Law and Mediation Office of Norma Lambert MacLeod, A PC
10+ years in business
Services: Civil rights litigation, Debt settlement, Entertainment law, Legal consulting, Power of attorney, Property dispute litigation, All Family Law Matters, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Antenuptial Agreements, Child Custody, Civil Court Case, Commercial Transactions, Computer Services, Confidentiality Agreement, Division Of Marital Property, Divorce Consultants, Divorce Settlement, Domestic Partnership, Family Law Attorney, Family Law Cases, Free Consultation, Income Tax Issues, Legal Advice, Legal Counsel, Marital Settlement Agreements, Mediation Divorce, Name Change, Premarital Agreements, Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreements, Property Agreements, Settlement Negotiations, Spousal Support Child Support, Step-Parent Adoption

From Law and Mediation Office of Norma Lambert MacLeod, A PC

"My practice is limited to Family Law issues of Divorce, Custody, Property Division, Parentage, and Support, including an emphasis on Mediation of Family Law Issues and skilled and focused negotiation in litigated cases. I have mediated, litigated,...  More
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