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Kopýtko prirastené

Slávička mnohotvárná je druh euhalinního mlže z čeledi slávičkovití. Jedná se o invazní druh. Wikipédia
Odborný názov: Dreissena polymorpha
Stupeň ohrozenia: najmenej ohrozený (populácia rastie)
Rod: slávička (Dreissena)
Na južnom Slovensku sa v riekach miestami hojne vyskytuje kopýtko prirastené (Dreissena polymorpha). Tento lastúrnik, ktorý žil pôvodne v Čiernom a ...
The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a small freshwater mussel. The species originates from the lakes of southern Russia and Ukraine, ...
The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a small, non-native mussel originally found in Russia. In 1988, this animal was transported to North America in the ...
Zebra mussels are filter feeders that consume large portions of the microscopic plants and animals that form the base of the food web. The removal of ...
19. 1. 2024 · do 30 mm dlhé kopýtko prirastené (Dreissena polymorpha) s trojhrannou lastúrou, ktoré pochádza z oblasti okolo Čierneho mora, na Slovensku ...
2. 4. 2021 · ... zebra mussel can survive out of water) before taking the boat out again. Since 1992, the National Park Service at the St. Croix National ...
13. 9. 2023 · Zebra Mussels are especially harmful for native mussels, many of which are species at risk. They outcompete these species for food and will ...
Species Profile: Zebra Mussel. Competes with native species; clogs pipes (NAS Database)
The zebra mussel is a small freshwater mollusk native to eastern Europe and western Asia. Zebra mussels were first found in North America in the ...
Pseudofeces accumulation creates foul environments. Zebra mussels have been known to colonize on native mussel species in groups of up to 10,000 individuals, ...