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Los quelicerados constituyen un subfilo del filo Arthropoda. Se diferencian de los demás artrópodos, entre otras características, por carecer de antenas. Wikipedia
Nombre científico: Chelicerata
Filo: Arthropoda
Reino: Animalia
Clasificación inferior
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Chelicerata de es.m.wikipedia.org
Los quelicerados (Chelicerata, del griego χηλή khēlḗ, "mandíbula" y κέρας kéras, "cuerno", más el sufijo latino plural -ata, por la forma de sus piezas ...
Chelicerata de en.m.wikipedia.org
Like all arthropods, chelicerates have segmented bodies with jointed limbs, all covered in a cuticle made of chitin and proteins. The chelicerate body plan ...
25 abr 2024 · In the subphylum Chelicerata (e.g., pycnogonids, arachnids), the pincers (chelicerae) may be used as jaws and are sometimes aided by pedipalps, ...
Chelicerata de www.sciencedirect.com
The Chelicerata body is divided into a cephalothorax, which contains the head, limbs, and thoracic organs, and an abdomen.
The meaning of CHELICERATA is a subphylum or other division of the phylum Arthropoda comprising forms having chelicerae and lacking antennae and including ...
Chelicerata de www.sciencedirect.com
23 jul 2018 · The name Chelicerata is derived from the chelicera, the anterior-most appendage. Whereas the chelicerae of such groups as daddy-long-legs, ...
Chelicerata de keys.lucidcentral.org
Chelicerata is a division within the Arthropoda, containing animals such as spiders, scorpions, harvestmen, mites and ticks. Like all arthropods, they have a ...
These are the scorpions, spiders, mites, horseshoe crabs, and "sea spiders." Chelicerates have six pairs of appendages, which are uniramous (unbranched).
Chelicerata de www.digitalatlasofancientlife.org
The Chelicerata are a diverse group of arthropods—though not as diverse as the Mandibulata—named for the presence of chelicerae. Chelicerae, meaning “claw horn” ...
Chelicerata de nhpbs.org
This subphylum includes a diverse group of species including ticks, spiders, and horseshoe crabs. Chelicerates have bodies divided into two segments, ...