Democracy May Not Exist, But We'll Miss It When It's Gone

Democracy May Not Exist, But We'll Miss It When It's Gone

Libro di Astra Taylor
Prima pubblicazione: 7 maggio 2019
Autrice: Astra Taylor
Democracy May Not Exist, But We'll Miss It When It's Gone da www.amazon.com
Valutazione (121) · 7,48 USD · Disponibile
In this book, Taylor explodes the sphere of democracy to bring the reader to understanding that democracy isn't a monolith, and that it is very much alive and ...
Da 18,59 USD a 19,95 USD Disponibile
It is clear that democracy - the principle of government by and for the people - is not living up to its promise. In fact, real democracy- inclusive and ...
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Democracy May Not Exist, But We'll Miss It When It's Gone da www.nytimes.com
7 mag 2019 · In “Democracy May Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone,” Astra Taylor examines the ways, both good and bad, the concept has been ...
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In Democracy May Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone, Astra Taylor shows that real democracy—fully inclusive and completely egalitarian—has in fact ...
Democracy May Not Exist, But We'll Miss It When It's Gone da shop.nplusonemag.com
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The problems lie deeper than any one election cycle. As Astra Taylor demonstrates, real democracy—fully inclusive and completely egalitarian—has in fact never ...
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7 mag 2019 · In Democracy May Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone, Astra Taylor shows that real democracy--fully inclusive and completely egalitarian ...
Democracy May Not Exist, But We'll Miss It When It's Gone da us.macmillan.com
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This is a beautiful, revelatory book about ideas and how they matter in everyday life, by the only writer who could herself navigate so gracefully among factory ...
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From a cabal of plutocrats in the White House to gerrymandering and dark-money compaign contributions, it is clear that the principle of government by and for ...
Democracy May Not Exist, But We'll Miss It When It's Gone da www.amazon.com
Valutazione (120) · 30,54 USD · Disponibile
What if those outcomes, whatever they may be—peace, prosperity, equality, liberty, an engaged citizenry—can be achieved by non-democratic means? In what areas ...