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¿Qué es la cianofina? La cianoficina (CGP) es un biopolímero proteinogénico de los dipéptidos β-Asp-Arg producidos naturalmente por la cianobacteria, una bacteria gram-negativa, llamada anteriormente «algas verde-azuladas» que se diferencia de todas las demás bacterias por su fotosíntesis oxigenada.
La cianoficina, o multi-L-arginil-poli (ácido L-aspártico), es un polímero de aminoácidos no proteico, producido fuera de los ribosomas, compuesto por una ...
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Cyanophycin is of potential interest to biotechnology as a source of polyaspartic acid. Due to its unusual polyamphoteric character, cyanophycin is soluble in ...
Cyanophycin is a peptide-based storage polymer originally characterized in cyanobacteria. Cyanophycin is synthesized non-ribosomally as a long chain (~25–100 ...
The purification of cyanophycin synthetase of the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis is described. In sodium dodecylsulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, ...
Cyanophycin is a nitrogen/carbon reserve polymer present in most cyanobacteria as well as in a few heterotrophic bacteria. It is a non-ribosomally ...
12 ago 2021 · The heterocysts generate and store cyanophycin, which is degraded when needed and transferred to vegetative cells that cannot fix nitrogen.
In summary, cyanophycin is not essential for cyanobacterial growth but appears to provide the cells with a transient storage of aspartate and arginine that ...
19 oct 2021 · Cyanophycin Production in Various Microorganisms and Plants · Cyanophycin serves as a storage compound for nitrogen and carbon in cyanobacteria ...