Manage massive fleets of small IoT Linux devices with balena's IoT management cloud platform. Your first 10 devices are full-featured and always free.
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Balena dari balena.science
We are a material science company, developing compostable and biodegradable thermoplastic materials, on a mission to create a circular model for consumer ...
Balena brings the benefits of Linux containers to the IoT. Develop iteratively, deploy safely, and manage at scale. 561 followers; United States of America ...
Sign in to monitor and manage your device fleet from the balena dashboard.
Founded in 2020 by David Roubach, Balena is a material science company, developing compostable and biodegradable thermoplastic materials. We are on a mission to ...
Balena dari github.com
balenaEngine is a container engine purpose-built for embedded and IoT use cases and compatible with Docker containers. Based on Docker's Moby Project, ...