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Der Begriff Kammermusik bezeichnete ursprünglich Musik, die für die fürstliche „Kammer“, sprich den weltlich-repräsentativen Bereich bestimmt war; ...


Der Begriff Kammermusik bezeichnete ursprünglich Musik, die für die fürstliche „Kammer“, sprich den weltlich-repräsentativen Bereich bestimmt war; sie war demnach von der Kirchenmusik zu unterscheiden. Erst im Laufe des Barocks entstand die... Wikipedia
Elektro-Genre / Elektro-Genres: Klassische Musik
Chamber music is a form of classical music that is composed for a small group of instruments—traditionally a group that could fit in a palace chamber or a ...
The Bärenreiter chamber music catalogue comprises works for string instruments, wind instruments, and mixed ensembles. We hold the complete chamber music ...
10.04.2024 · chamber music [noun] music for a small group of players, suitable for a room rather than a large hall. a live performance of a piece of ...
09.01.2023 · Chamber music refers to “a form of classical music that is composed for a small group of instruments—traditionally a group that could fit in ...
chamber music, music composed for small ensembles of instrumentalists. In its original sense, chamber music referred to music composed for the home, ...
The tradition of chamber music was first established in the late 1700s and early 1800s by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven during the so-called Viennese Classic Era, ...
Video zu "Kammermusik"
14.11.2019 · Chamber music is a type of classical music composed of a small ensemble of instruments fit for ...
Dauer: 0:31
Gepostet: 14.11.2019
Video zu "Kammermusik"
23.07.2018 · Detmold, 19.07.2018: Einen Tag vor Tourneebeginn widmen sich Musikerinnen und ...
Dauer: 3:33
Gepostet: 23.07.2018
this is probably aria hidden. Konzertpodium Kammermusik. Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK). 4 videosUpdated yesterday.