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Amal al-Sadah

Datum narození: 27. března 1982 42 let, Jemen
Manžel: Usáma bin Ládin (sňatek: 2000–2011)
Amal al-Sadah z webu www.nbcnews.com
11. 5. 2011 · Amal al-Sada was shot in the leg as she rushed the Navy SEALs, according to U.S. officials. She is now in Pakistani custody, along with her ...
Amal al-Sadah z webu www.cnn.com
10. 5. 2011 · Ibb, Yemen (CNN) -- When 18-year-old Amal al-Sadah became the fifth wife of 43-year-old Osama bin Laden in 2000, she was "a quiet, polite, ...
Amal al-Sadah z webu www.theguardian.com
10. 5. 2011 · Luckily he knew just the right girl: Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, a 17-year-old daughter of a civil servant and a former student of his, was, according ...
Amal al-Sadah z webu www.dailymail.co.uk
22. 3. 2012 · Zakaria al-Sadah says he hasn't seen his sister Amal, pictured, in several months, and believes Pakistani authorities are keeping him from ...
Amal al-Sadah z webu www.lidovky.cz
12. 5. 2011 · Usáma bin Ládin nabídl jednou svým manželkám možnost opustit Afghánistán, ale jeho mladá jemenská žena Amal Sadáová to rezolutně odmítla.
Amal al-Sadah z webu www.theguardian.com
22. 6. 2011 · Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, 29, has been held by security services since US special forces killed Bin Laden, whom she married in 1999. Sadah was ...
Amal al-Sadah z webu m.hindustantimes.com
26. 5. 2017 · For first time, bin Laden's wife Amal tells the story of the night he was killed · The al Qaeda chief's fourth and youngest wife and her son ...
11. 6. 2012 · It's so easy to point a finger and to ask, How could I, as a loving mother, have let my eighteen-year-old daughter, Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, ...
Amal al-Sadah z webu theweek.com
And Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, bin Laden's youngest wife, married him in 2000. She "may have been as young as 15 when a $5,000 price was paid to her Yemeni family ...
Amal al-Sadah z webu theworld.org
1. 8. 2016 · Osama bin Laden's youngest wife, Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, is expected to leave Pakistan and return to her homeland, Yemen, in the following few ...