
Scyliorhinus retifer

Scyliorhinus retifer es una especie de peces de la familia Scyliorhinidae en el orden de los Carcharhiniformes. Wikipedia
Nombre científico: Scyliorhinus retifer
Clasificación superior: Scyliorhinus
Estado de conservación: Preocupación menor (Aumento)
Scyliorhinus retifer de en.wikipedia.org
The chain catshark or chain dogfish (Scyliorhinus retifer) is a small, reticulated catshark that is biofluorescent. The species is common in the Northwest ...
Scyliorhinus retifer de www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu
1 ene 2024 · They have rounded snouts and large oval eyes, and somewhat lobed fins set further back towards their asymmetrical, notched caudal (tail) fin.
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Geographic Range. Scyliorhinus retifer, the chain catshark, is found in the northwest and western Central Atlantic Ocean, the Carribean Sea, ...
Scyliorhinus retifer de fishbase.mnhn.fr
Short description Morphology | Morphometrics. Body small and slender; boldly marked body with a pattern of distinct black lines on a pale brownish background.
Scyliorhinus retifer de biogeodb.stri.si.edu
Depth: 50-812 m. Habitat: soft and rocky bottoms. Western North Atlantic: Massachusetts to the Gulf of Mexico.
Scyliorhinus retifer de www.sharkwater.com
Chain catsharks can grow up to 59 cm long. They are shy and nocturnal and often hide in crevices. They spend their day resting at the bottom using the sandy ...
Scyliorhinus retifer de www.mbl.edu
17 mar 2022 · Chain catshark (Scyliorhinus retifer) is a small species of shark that lives in the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean.
Scyliorhinus retifer de www.sharksandrays.com
Reproduction. Oviparous. The chain catshark's egg cases are laid in pairs every 8-15 days (figure based on study of captive animals). The female swims around ...
Scyliorhinus retifer de geerg.ca
22 oct 2023 · The chain catshark (Scyliorhinus retifer) is a small and slender shark found in the western Atlantic Ocean, specifically along the eastern ...
Scyliorhinus retifer de www.marinebio.org
These sharks have a small, slender body that is boldly marked with a pattern of distinct black lines on a pale brown background. The origin of their first ...