

Monoxyl je typ plavidla, používaný od pravěku do 19. století a u přírodních etnik v Africe nebo na Tichomořských ostrovech dodnes. Monoxyly hojně užívali například Keltové nebo staří Slované. Monoxyly, archeologicky doložené už od doby kamenné,... Wikipedie
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Monoxyl z webu en.m.wikipedia.org
A dugout canoe or simply dugout is a boat made from a hollowed-out tree. Other names for this type of boat are logboat and monoxylon.
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Logboats of the Moravian Gate: Monoxyl Dugout Vessels from Central Europe. Thumbnail. View/ Open. Rogers (10.97Mb) · Show full item record.
Monoxyl z webu www.smithsonianmag.com
27. 9. 2022 · Archaeologists believe it's the oldest canoe ever found in the Great Lakes region.
Monoxyl z webu tnmuseum.org
This dugout canoe is made from a single yellow poplar tree. Southeastern Indians used a method that included cutting down a tree and setting small fires ...
This canoe was discovered by Paul Valenti beneath the McNeil Bridge in Lumberton, NC in 1984. This dugout yellow pine canoe is 16.5 feet by 18 inches wide. The ...
26. 1. 2017 · The tree's circumference was first coated with a mixture of mud and straw at a height that allowed the makers to work on the trunk and acted as ...
Monoxyl z webu www.britannica.com
24. 9. 2022 · Dugout, any boat made from a hollowed log. Of ancient origin, the dugout is still used in many parts of the world, including Dominica, ...
Monoxyl z webu www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu
14. 3. 2023 · Dugout Care. What is best to protect a wet or dry canoe is to leave it in place. Moving a canoe will cause the loss of valuable information as ...