Reinventing Organizations: Ein Leitfaden zur Gestaltung sinnstiftender Formen der Zusammenarbeit

Reinventing Organizations: Ein Leitfaden zur Gestaltung sinnstiftender Formen der Zusammenarbeit

Buch von Frederic Laloux
Bahnbrechend. Inspirierend. Eines der faszinierendsten Bücher zur Organisationsentwicklung des letzten Jahrzehnts. ... Google Books
Datum der Erstveröffentlichung: 2014
Reinventing Organizations von www.reinventingorganizations.com
Based on three years of research, the book Reinventing Organizations describes the emergence of a new management paradigm, a radically more soulful, ...
Reinventing Organizations von www.amazon.com
Bewertung (1.889) · 15,99 $ · Auf Lager
Reinventing Organizations is a book documenting leading edge, innovative work practices in real organizations. But it is much more than that. It is a history ...
Weitere Fragen
This wiki is based on the book Reinventing Organizations by Frédéric Laloux. Its primary purpose is to serve as a practical guide for leaders who are ...
Reinventing Organizations von en.m.wikipedia.org
Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness is a book written by Frédéric Laloux and ...
Reinventing Organizations von www.reinventingorganizations.com
Download & Pay What Feels Right. You can buy the original and the illustrated version of the book Reinventing Organization at the fixed price of $9.95, but I've ...
Reinventing Organizations von www.amazon.com
Bewertung (1.888) · 9,99 $ · Auf Lager
Reinventing Organizations is a book documenting leading edge, innovative work practices in real organizations. But it is much more than that. It is a history ...
Reinventing Organizations von reinvorgmap.com
“Reinventing Organizations” comes from a different place. It is written for people (founders of organizations, leaders, coaches, and advisors) who sense that ...
Reinventing Organizations von www.goodreads.com
Bewertung (481) · 9,99 $
09.02.2014 · This book is a brilliant collection of patterns and practices in self-managing organizations - both for-profit and non-profits. I consider it a ...