
Macroglossum stellatarum

Ngengat elang kolibri adalah spesies ngengat elang yang ditemukan di daerah beriklim Eurasia. Spesies ini dinamai karena kemiripannya dengan burung kolibri, karena mereka memakan nektar bunga berbentuk tabung menggunakan belalai panjang mereka... Wikipedia (Inggris)
Nama ilmiah: Macroglossum stellatarum
Klasifikasi lebih tinggi: Macroglossum
Tingkatan takson: Spesies
Macroglossum stellatarum dari en.wikipedia.org
The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is a species of hawk moth found across temperate regions of Eurasia. The species is named for its ...
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Humming-bird Hawk-moth. Macroglossum stellatarum. Tags: Black · Brown · Grey · Orange · Pink · White · Spots · Stripes · Large · Medium · England · Scotland ...
Macroglossum stellatarum dari www.inaturalist.org
The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is a species of moth. (Source: Wikipedia, '', http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummingbird_hawk-moth, ...
The hummingbird hawk-moth has greyish-brown forewings, bright orange hindwings, and a greyish body with a broad, black-and-white 'tail'. Its hovering flight is ...
Macroglossum stellatarum dari www.pbs.org
11 Agu 2015 · Like its namesake, the hummingbird hawk-moth hovers in front of flowers, collecting sweet nectar from within. In place of a beak it has a long ...
Macroglossum stellatarum dari mothphotographersgroup.msstate.edu
Macroglossum stellatarum (Linnaeus, 1758) is considered extralimital though there do appear to be records from North America. One record, from Umiak Island of ...
Macroglossum stellatarum dari www.roeselienraimond.com
The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is a species of Sphingidae. Its long proboscis and its hovering behaviour, accompanied by an audible ...
It does not hibernate but it is much less active in the colder seasons. It overwinters where it can find a nook or cranny – among rocks, trees and even ...
Macroglossum stellatarum dari bugguide.net
16 Jun 2017 · A rare vagrant to North America, with only a handful of purported records. A highly migratory species that, with the right supporting conditions ...