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Ramses I.

Altägyptischer König
Ramses I. war ein altägyptischer König und Begründer der 19. Dynastie, der von 1291 v. Chr. bis 1290 v. Chr. regierte. Wikipedia
Verstorben: 1294 v. Chr.
Kinder: Sethos I.
Eltern: Seti
Ehepartnerin: Satre
Enkelkinder: Ramses II., Nebchasetnebet, Tia und mehr
Urenkelkinder: Merenptah, Ramses, Meritamun und mehr

Ramses I. von de.m.wikipedia.org
Ramses I. war ein altägyptischer König (Pharao) und Begründer der 19. Dynastie (Neues Reich), der von 1291 v. Chr. bis 1290 v. Chr. regierte.
Menpehtyre Ramesses I (or Ramses) was the founding pharaoh of ancient Egypt's 19th Dynasty. The dates for his short reign are not completely known but the ...
Ramses I. von www.britannica.com
Ramses I (flourished 13th century bce) was a king of ancient Egypt (reigned c. 1292–90 bce), founder of the 19th dynasty (c. 1292–c. 1191 bce) of Egypt.
Ramses I. von www.ancient-egypt-online.com
Ramses I became the founding pharaoh of the 19th dynasty. The mystery of his mummy would lead to his being well known centuries later.
Ramses I. von fr-ca.findagrave.com
He ruled Egypt's 19th Dynasty from about 1292 to 1290 BC. When his tomb, much smaller than the ones belonging to Seti I and Ramses II, was discovered in 1817, ...
First Ruler of the Golden 19th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt ... The future Pharaoh Ramses I was called Paramessu when he was born. He was born to a noble Military ...
Ramses I. von historicaleve.com
27.04.2022 · Who was Ramses I? In reality, Ramses I was a man not destined to be pharaoh and was born into a prestigious military lineage from the Avaris ...
Short Biography of the life of Ramses I · Succeeded by: Seti I 1290 BC – 1279 BC · Family · Year of Death: 1290 BC · Location of the Burial Site: Valley of the ...
06.03.2024 · Ramses I (reigned 1307-1306 bc), ancient Egyptian king, first ruler of the 19th Dynasty. Ramses was a general under his predecessor, the ...
Ramses I. von mummipedia.fandom.com
He became pharaoh upon the death of Horemheb in about 1820 BC. He took the name Ramses, which meant “Ra has fashioned him.” Ramses I reign lasted approximately ...