A globally acclaimed Polish post-production studio is presenting a breathtaking montage that showcases its commercial brilliance across markets including the US ...
Platige Image

Platige Image

Empresa de animação
A Platige Image S.A. é uma empresa polonesa especializada na criação de computação gráfica, animação 3D e efeitos especiais digitais para vários campos, incluindo publicidade, cinema, arte, educação e entretenimento. Wikipedia (inglês)
Fundação: 1997
Filmes produzidos
Platige Image S.A. is a Polish-based company specializing in the creation of computer graphics, 3D animation, and digital special effects for various fields ...
Platige is a vehicle for creative endeavors specializing in designing CG imagery, 3D animation, and digital special effects. At Platige, we combine film and ...
Platige is a vehicle for creative endeavors specializing in designing CG imagery, 3D animation, and digital visual effects. At Platige, we combine film and ...
Platige is a vehicle for creative endeavors specializing in designing CG imagery, 3D animation, and digital special effects. At Platige, we combine film and ...
Platige Image is an internationally renowned production and animation studio, in 25 years of its existence it has received important awards and honors in ...