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serimomoplus.blog.fc2.com からのジャン・ラップ
2021/02/07 · 将軍(師団長)になったのは、他の将校達より遅いのですが、ジャン・ラップをご紹介。彼も、ライン軍から、エジプト遠征へ従軍してます。
General Count Jean Rapp (27 April 1771 – 8 November 1821) was a French Army officer during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars and twice ...
ジャン・ラップはコルマール生まれで、ナポレオン配下の最良の司令官の一人と云われる。 ジャン・ラップについてもっと知りたいなら、 → フランス語版 Wikipedia
www.frenchempire.net からのジャン・ラップ
Rapp is known for being one of Napoleon's aide-de-camps frequently found in the thick of fighting who earned the nickname "The Intrepid".
Jean Rapp was born on 27 April, 1771, in Colmar (Haut-Rhin), into a bourgeois family. Although two of his uncles served in the royal army, Rapp's parents ...
Hero of the armies of Napoleon, Jean Rapp (1771-1821) is one of the biggest names of Colmar. His statue, sculpted in 1859 by Auguste Bartholdi, ...
Count Jean Rapp, always in the thick of the fighting, won a battle after Waterloo during the Napoleonic Wars. by Blaine Taylor. Had he—and not Emmanuel, ...
dic.pixiv.net からのジャン・ラップ
historica.fandom.com からのジャン・ラップ
Jean Rapp (27 April 1771-8 November 1821) was a French gentleman and general. He fought under Napoleon during the French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic ...