

Ficus carica, Ficus cinsine bağlı bir bitki türüdür. Vikipedi
Bilimsel adı: Ficus carica
Tür: F. carica
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It is native to the Mediterranean to Central Asia and quickly grows to a mature size of 10 to 30 feet tall and wide with a rounded habit. The genus name Ficus ...
en.m.wikipedia.org sitesinden Ficus carica
The fig is the edible fruit of Ficus carica, a species of small tree in the flowering plant family Moraceae, native to the Mediterranean region, ...
www.morven.org sitesinden Ficus carica
Her figs are small jet-black fruit with dark red flesh that are rich in flavor, good fresh or dried. Violette de Bordeaux fig trees often produce a breba crop, ...
www.britannica.com sitesinden Ficus carica
8 Mar 2024 · fig, (Ficus carica), plant of the mulberry family (Moraceae) and its edible fruit. The common fig is indigenous to an area extending from ...
www.cal-ipc.org sitesinden Ficus carica
Ficus carica (edible fig) is a small tree (family Moraceae) that is native to the Mediterranean region and southwestern Asia that has been grown since ancient ...
thetreeplace.com sitesinden Ficus carica
$150,00 Stokta var
Grow your own fruit with one of our beautiful Fig trees! This tree is well suited for landscaping in the Dallas Fort Worth Area.
myperfectplants.com sitesinden Ficus carica
9 Eki 2021 · Growing fig trees is easy, rewarding, and you get tons of fresh figs! Learn more about fig tree care and how to keep these trees thriving.
They are tropical-looking lush spreading trees with large dark green foliage and grow 10-25 ft tall depending on variety. Can also be kept smaller with pruning.
landscapeplants.oregonstate.edu sitesinden Ficus carica
Broadleaf deciduous tree or shrub, to 10 m, stout branches, rounded crown. Leaves simple, alternate, 3-5 lobed, rarely undivided, 10-20 cm long, ...