Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

Fizikçi ve matematikçi
Isaac Newton, İngiliz fizikçi, matematikçi, astronom, mucit, simyacı, teolog ve filozoftur. 1687 yılında yayımladığı Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica kitabıyla klasik fizik mekaniğinin temelini oluşturmuş ve bu eser, dünya tarihinin en... Vikipedi
Ölüm tarihi ve yeri: 31 Mart 1727, Kensington, Londra, Birleşik Krallık
Eğitim: Trinity College (1668), Trinity College (1661–1665) ve The King's School (1655–1660)
Etkilenenler / Etkiledikleri: Albert Einstein, Joseph Raphson, Leonhard Euler ve diğer

Diğer sorular
en.m.wikipedia.org sitesinden Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton FRS (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27) was an English polymath active as a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, and ...
www.britannica.com sitesinden Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton, the brilliant physicist and mathematician, revolutionized our understanding of the universe with his laws of motion and universal gravitation, ...
www.biography.com sitesinden Isaac Newton
3 Nis 2014 · Isaac Newton was a physicist and mathematician who developed the principles of modern physics, including the laws of motion and is credited ...
19 Ara 2007 · Isaac Newton (1642–1727) is best known for having invented the calculus in the mid to late 1660s (most of a decade before Leibniz did so ...
www.history.com sitesinden Isaac Newton
10 Mar 2015 · Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was an English mathematician and physicist who developed influential theories on light, calculus and celestial ...
www.space.com sitesinden Isaac Newton
6 Haz 2023 · Sir Isaac Newton invented calculus and explained optics. His most significant work involved forces and the development of a universal law of ...
www.nationalgeographic.org sitesinden Isaac Newton
19 Eki 2023 · Legend has it that Isaac Newton formulated gravitational theory in 1665 or 1666 after watching an apple fall and asking why the apple fell ...
mathshistory.st-andrews.ac.uk sitesinden Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton was the greatest English mathematician of his generation. He laid the foundation for differential and integral calculus. His work on optics and ...
www.britannica.com sitesinden Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton, (born Jan. 4, 1643, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, Eng.—died March 31, 1727, London), English physicist and mathematician.