

Épisode de série télévisée
Pour célébrer Halloween, le doyen organise une grande soirée costumée. Malheureusement, de la nourriture infectée va rapidement transformer les participants en zombies. Le groupe détude parviendra-t-il à enrayer lépidémie ?
Émission : Community
Première diffusion : 28 octobre 2010
Numéro de l'épisode : 6
Numéro de la saison : 2
Écrit par : Karey Dornetto
Directeur : Anthony Hemingway

The episode's plot is an homage to various zombie and horror movies, with the infected students mimicking stereotypical zombies and various tropes of the genre.
Avis (6 669)
The study group is left to fend for themselves by Dean Pelton during a rabies outbreak due to tainted food at Greendale's Halloween party.
The primary goal of our work is to use data to improve the health of the community. Understanding health problems in our community helps agencies assess and ...
The Community Epidemiology and Evaluation Unit provides analytical and evaluative support for a variety of program areas including: Community Health ...
Community epidemiology should be used to understand the distribution of risk factors and influences on substance use and in that way sharpen our ability to ...
The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (JECH) is a peer-reviewed public health journal that covers all aspects of epidemiology and public health.
They adapt familiar tools from community ecology to analyze pathogen transmission dynamics in several types of communities, and develop a series of simple ...
"Drug abuse" provides many unique challenges to the research community. Some of these involve fundamental epidemiologic issues, such as measuring the extent ...
Epidemiology and Community Health · 1979-2020 • Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1979-) · 1979 • Epidemiology and Community Health · 1978 • Journal ...
Plot ... The study group along with the rest of the student body are attending the Halloween party in the library. Pierce becomes sick after he eats the taco meat ...