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La nutria, detta anche castoro di palude o castorino, è un mammifero roditore originario del Sud America, unica specie vivente del genere Myocastor e della famiglia Myocastoridae. Wikipedia
Peso: 4 – 9 kg (Adulto)
Lunghezza: 52 cm (Adulto)
Nome scientifico: Myocastor coypus
Periodo gestazione: 132 giorni
Rischio estinzione: Minima preoccupazione (In diminuzione)
Famiglia: Myocastoridae; Ameghino, 1902
Specie: M. coypus

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Nutria da it.wikipedia.org
La nutria (Myocastor coypus Molina, 1782), detta anche castoro di palude o castorino, è un mammifero roditore originario del Sud America, unica specie ...
Nutria da en.wikipedia.org
The nutria or coypu (Myocastor coypus) is a large, herbivorous, semiaquatic rodent from South America. Classified for a long time as the only member of the ...
Nutria, (Myocastor coypus), a large amphibious South American rodent with webbed hind feet. The nutria has a robust body, short limbs, small eyes and ears, ...
Nutria da invasivespecies.wa.gov
Nutria is a medium sized rodent that lives in freshwater environments. It is native to South. America. A nutria can grow up to 40 inches from its nose to the ...
Nutria da www.livescience.com
19 apr 2023 · Nutria, also known as coypu or swamp rats, are large rodents that wreak havoc on their non-native ecosystems.
Nutria da www.ncwildlife.org
They are primarily herbaceous and feed on the roots and rhizomes of aquatic marsh plants. Cord grasses, cattails, three square, and pickerel weed are some ...
Nutria da www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov
Species Profile: Nutria. Damages vegetation and destroys habitat in wetlands (Jojola et al. 2005)
Nutria da wildlife.ca.gov
Nutria burrowing causes extensive damage to water infrastructure, banks, and levees, and creates a hazard for people, livestock, and machine operators.
Nutria da dnr.maryland.gov
Nutria are invasive, semi-aquatic, South American rodents first released into Dorchester County, Maryland in 1943. Nutria did not evolve in Maryland's wetland ...
Nutria da nas.er.usgs.gov
Identification: Nutria (Myocastor coypus) are large, semi-aquatic rodents that have robust, highly arched bodies with short legs, and long tails.