Ongoing emergency responses in California, including all 10+ acre wildfires.
The CALIFORNIA FIRE SAFE COUNCIL (CFSC) helps regional, state, and national organizations in order to help California residents acquire the education, resources ...
Serving and Safeguarding the People and Protecting the Property and Resources of California.
Celebrating our outstanding dispatchers this National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week! Handling 594,000+ calls last year, your compassion and ...
Map of active wildfires burning across California. Explore wildfire history and when fire season starts in California.
Today's breaking news on wildfires in California, SoCal and Los Angeles. Here is the latest on fires now, including breaking developments, public safety ...
The American Red Cross Southern California Region Home Fire Campaign helps save lives by installing free smoke alarms, home fire safety education.
The mission of the Los Angeles County Fire Department is to protect lives, the environment, and property by providing prompt, skillful, and cost-effective ...