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Tipo de agente biológico patógeno
En biología, el término Fungi ​​ se utiliza para designar a un taxón o grupo de organismos eucariotas entre los que se encuentran los mohos, las levaduras y los organismos productores de setas. Están clasificados en un reino distinto al de las... Wikipedia
Nombre científico: Fungi
Clasificación inferior
Fungi de es.wikipedia.org
En biología, el término Fungi (plural latino de fungus, lit. «hongos»)​​ se utiliza para designar a un taxón o grupo de organismos eucariotas entre los que ...
Fungi de en.wikipedia.org
A fungus ( pl. : fungi or funguses) is any member of the group of eukaryotic organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts and molds, as well as the ...
26 mar 2024 · fungus, any of about 144,000 known species of organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which includes the yeasts, rusts, smuts, mildews, molds, ...
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Fungi de microbiologysociety.org
Fungi can be single celled or very complex multicellular organisms. They are found in just about any habitat but most live on the land, mainly in soil or on ...
Fungi de www.usu.edu
Fungi are not plants. Living things are organized for study into large, basic groups called kingdoms. Fungi were listed in the Plant Kingdom for many years.
Fungi are eukaryotic microorganisms. Fungi can occur as yeasts, molds, or as a combination of both forms. Some fungi are capable of causing superficial, ...
Fungi de ucmp.berkeley.edu
The Kingdom Fungi includes some of the most important organisms, both in terms of their ecological and economic roles. By breaking down dead organic material, ...
Fungi de www.inaturalist.org
A fungus (plural: fungi or funguses) is any member of the group of eukaryotic organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts and molds, ...
Fungi de byjus.com
Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that include microorganisms such as yeasts, moulds and mushrooms. These organisms are classified under kingdom fungi.