Sunrise Maids
Sunrise Maids
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Услуги: Генеральная уборка,Наведение порядка в доме,Мойка окон внутри и снаружи,Уборка при переезде,Стандартная уборка,Чистка мягкой мебели,Apartment Cleaners,Apartment Cleaning,Apartment Cleaning Services,Cabinets Clean,Clean Window,Clean Your Home,Cleaning And Sanitization,Cleaning Appliances,Cleaning Bathrooms,Cleaning Services For Residential Homes,Cleaning Supplies,Customizable Cleaning,Customized Cleaning,Deep Cleaning,Deep Cleaning Carpets,Deep House Cleaning Services,Detailed Cleaners,Detailed Cleaning,Disinfecting Bathrooms,Door Frames,Dust & Polish,Dust Blinds,Dusting,Dusting And Polishing,Dusting And Vacuuming,Elite Service,Exterior Cabinets,Free Cleaning,Home Cleaner,House Cleaners,Insured Cleaning,Kitchen And Bathroom,Kitchen Areas,Laundry Room,Light Fixtures,Light Switches,Maids Maid Service,Make Ready,Monthly Cleanings,Move-In / Move-Out Cleaning,Move-Out Cleaning,One Time Cleaning,Our Maid Service,Personalized Cleaning,Recurring Cleanings,Recurring House Cleaning Services,Recurring Maid Service,Recurring Maintenance Cleaning,Regular House Cleaning Services,Regular Maintenance,Rental Property,Sustainable Clean,Sweeping Floors,The Regular Cleaning,Time Cleanings,Vacation Rentals,Vacuuming And Mopping,Wall Hangings,Window Sills
Территория обслуживания: Баркер Сайпресс и окрестности

Источник: Sunrise Maids

"Locally owned & operated house cleaning company in Katy, TX known for their high end customer service, 49-Point Cleaning Checklist & 100% Clean Guarantee. All maids are screened, background checked, insured and trained to provide a consistent clean...  Развернуть
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