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Als Redshirt (englisch für „Rothemd“) wird – in Anlehnung an die US-amerikanische Science-Fiction-Serie Raumschiff Enterprise (Star Trek) aus den 1960er Jahren – ein meist mit rotem Uniform-Pullover bekleidetes Besatzungsmitglied bezeichnet, das kurz nach seinem ersten Auftritt auf einem fremden Planeten stirbt.
A "redshirt" is a stock character in fiction who dies soon after being introduced. The term originates from the original Star Trek (NBC, 1966–69) television ...


Als Redshirt wird – in Anlehnung an die US-amerikanische Science-Fiction-Serie Raumschiff Enterprise aus den 1960er Jahren – ein meist mit rotem Uniform-Pullover bekleidetes Besatzungsmitglied bezeichnet, das kurz nach seinem ersten Auftritt auf... Wikipedia
They are used to show how the monster works, and demonstrate that it is indeed a deadly menace, without having to lose anyone important. Expect someone to say " ...
Redshirt is a term used by fans and staff of Star Trek to refer partially to the characters who wear red Starfleet uniforms, and mainly to refer to those ...
New to Medicare? Our RedShirtsSM will guide you through the process. Employers. Making it easy for the health of your business and employees.
A redshirt is a type of stock character in film or television that is a non-featured character, whose purpose to the plot, usually, is to be killed.
A RedShirt is a StarTrek fans' term for the anonymous member of the party beamed down along with Kirk, Spock etc. His (or her) only role is to get killed off ...
(US navy) A person responsible for loading and unloading weapons, artillery, and equipment from aircraft. Etymology ...
23.08.2023 · Star Trek's tricolors denote the wearer's department onboard ship. In The Original Series, red meant someone from either engineering or security ...