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Indijska figa

Indijska figa

Smokvova opuncija, zastarelo: »indijska figa, indijska smokva«, je najbolj razširjena vrsta kaktusovk iz rodu Opuntia, že dolgo pa udomačena rastlinska vrsta, ki se goji v sušnih in polsušnih delih sveta, hkrati pa je komercialno najpomembnejša... Wikipedija
Višja taksonomska kategorija: Opuncija
Znanstveno ime: Opuntia ficus-indica
Kategorija: Vrsta
Smokvova opuncija (znanstveno ime Opuntia ficus-indica), zastarelo: »indijska figa, indijska smokva«, je najbolj razširjena vrsta kaktusovk iz rodu Opuntia, ...
O. ficus-indica is the most widespread and most commercially important cactus. ... It is grown primarily as a fruit crop, and also for the vegetable nopales and ...
Ker je opuncija prekrita z drobnimi bodicami, bi bilo sadež zelo težko olupiti. Bodice zato navadno odstranijo, še preden sadež pride na prodajne police. Če pa ...
Smokvova opuncija je neprivlačen kaktus, ki Mehičane že več stoletij spremlja skozi življenje. Rastlino lahko najdete tudi v drugih državah obeh Amerik – in ...
O. ficus-indica are succulent, spiny cactus shrubs which become tree-like over time. They have a rapid growth rate, may become 10-15' high and as wide, and have ...
Stomas release water into the environment when they open. Plants living in places with very little water need to save as much water as they can, and this ...
The most important effects of OFI are represented by the activity against acne, arthrosis, dermatosis, diabetes, diarrhea, fever, high blood pressure, ...
30. mar. 2023 · The cactus, Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. (OFI) belongs to the Cactaceae family, which contains about 130 genera and nearly 1600 species.
Opuntia ficus-indica, commonly called the prickly pear cactus, produces edible fruits as well as having pads. The fruits and pads are commonly seen food items ...
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. ... Mill. (1768). In: Gard. Dict. Ed. VIII. No. 2. ... Name. Synonyms: Cactus chinensis Roxb. Cactus decumanus Willd. ex Schltr.