

Ficus carica, Ficus cinsine bağlı bir bitki türüdür. Vikipedi
Bilimsel adı: Ficus carica
Tür: F. carica
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It is native to the Mediterranean to Central Asia and quickly grows to a mature size of 10 to 30 feet tall and wide with a rounded habit. The genus name Ficus ...
en.m.wikipedia.org sitesinden Ficus carica
The fig is the edible fruit of Ficus carica, a species of small tree in the flowering plant family Moraceae, native to the Mediterranean region, ...
www.morven.org sitesinden Ficus carica
Her figs are small jet-black fruit with dark red flesh that are rich in flavor, good fresh or dried. Violette de Bordeaux fig trees often produce a breba crop, ...
www.britannica.com sitesinden Ficus carica
8 Mar 2024 · fig, (Ficus carica), plant of the mulberry family (Moraceae) and its edible fruit. The common fig is indigenous to an area extending from ...
www.cal-ipc.org sitesinden Ficus carica
Ficus carica (edible fig) is a small tree (family Moraceae) that is native to the Mediterranean region and southwestern Asia that has been grown since ancient ...
myperfectplants.com sitesinden Ficus carica
9 Eki 2021 · Growing fig trees is easy, rewarding, and you get tons of fresh figs! Learn more about fig tree care and how to keep these trees thriving.
thetreeplace.com sitesinden Ficus carica
$150,00 Stokta var
Grow your own fruit with one of our beautiful Fig trees! This tree is well suited for landscaping in the Dallas Fort Worth Area.
gobotany.nativeplanttrust.org sitesinden Ficus carica
Common fig is a shrub with fuzzy twigs and sandpapery, lobed leaves which is widely cultivated in the south and has escaped a few gardens in Massachusetts. Its ...
landscapeplants.oregonstate.edu sitesinden Ficus carica
Broadleaf deciduous tree or shrub, to 10 m, stout branches, rounded crown. Leaves simple, alternate, 3-5 lobed, rarely undivided, 10-20 cm long, ...