Did you know it only takes an average of two minutes to register? Get started now. Find out how to register to vote in your state. Voter Guide.
Learn where and when to vote. Early voting, ballot drop boxes, and election day locations.
Every single political position has the power to restrict or protect reproductive freedom.
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To find your polling location, please either use the clickable map below or the list of Ohio counties to find the county in which you live.
Wondering where you vote on Election Day? Use our polling place locator to find out.
Sep 9, 2022 · Locate your polling place. The Ohio Secretary of State's Office provides a searchable list of polling locations with directions as well as a ...
Where do I vote on Election Day? On Election Day, you must cast your ballot in your precinct at your designated polling place between the hours of 6:30 a.m. ...
If you're voting in person on Election Day, find your polling place and its hours. See what ID you need to vote. Find out where to get a sample ballot.
View your polling place's hours and get directions; See what will be on your next ballot; Find your next local election; Learn about absentee voting if you can' ...
Wood Co. Board of Elections Main Page Ohio Secretary of State Voter Look-up Absentee/Early Voting Information Board of ...
Learn if you can vote absentee, early, or on Election Day. Get voter ID requirements, and find out if you have to vote for the party you are registered ...
Locate the polling location for any address in Cuyahoga County. Results include a map and directions, the precinct, voting districts and sample ballots.