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Fatima – miasto w Portugalii, leżące w centrum kraju. Sanktuarium fatimskie jest celem wielu pielgrzymek katolickich i ośrodkiem kultu maryjnego. Fatima leży w środkowej Portugalii, w dystrykcie Santarém, na południowy wschód od miasta Leiria. Wikipedia
Powierzchnia: 27,53 mi²
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Fatima z pl.m.wikipedia.org
Fatima (port. Fátima) – miasto w Portugalii, leżące w centrum kraju. Sanktuarium fatimskie jest celem wielu pielgrzymek katolickich i ośrodkiem kultu maryjnego.
Fatima z en.m.wikipedia.org
Fátima is a city in the municipality of Ourém and district of Santarém in the Central Region of Portugal, with 71.29 km2 of area and 13,212 inhabitants ...
Fatima z www.britannica.com
Our Lady of Fátima is the title given to the Virgin Mary as she appeared before three shepherd children near the village of Fátima, Portugal, in 1917. She ...
Fatima z www.bluearmy.com
From May 13 to October 13, 1917, Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. ... The World Apostolate of Fatima is the Vatican's official ...
Fatima z www.visitportugal.com
The Shrine at Fátima is one of the most important landmarks in the Marian worship, drawing pilgrims from all over the world. The location of the Shrine of ...
Fatima z www.britannica.com
5 kwi 2024 · Fátima, village and sanctuary, central Portugal. It is located on the tableland of Cova da Iria, 18 miles (29 km) southeast of Leiria.
Fatima z joewalshtours.ie
The three secrets of Fatima are the prophecies or messages given by Our Lady to the three shepherd children during her apparitions in 1917.
Fatima z www.fatima.pt
The channel of the Shrine of Fatima provides continuous broadcasting from the Chapel of the Apparitions MEO Kanal | 707070.