Você quis dizer: Tetra-cardinal


Tetra-cardeal, tetra-cardinal, tetra-neon, neon-cardinal ou simplesmente cardinal é um peixe de água doce da família Characidae da ordem Characiformes. É nativo dos rios Orinoco e Negro, na América do Sul, possuindo uma coloração brilhante e bem... Wikipédia
Nome científico: Paracheirodon axelrodi
Família: Characidae
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Tetra-cardeal de en.wikipedia.org
The cardinal tetra is a very popular aquarium fish, but is less widespread than the neon tetra because until recently, it was difficult to breed in captivity.
Tetra-cardeal de www.thesprucepets.com
21 de nov. de 2023 · The cardinal tetra is an omnivorous species and will accept most commercial fish foods. These fish have high vitamin requirements, so at least ...
Tetra-cardeal de www.aquariumcoop.com
Most people have heard of the neon tetra — an extremely popular, little fish that displays a pair of blue and red horizontal stripes.
Tetra-cardeal de aquaticarts.com
US$ 15,99 a US$ 49,99 Em estoque
The Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is a very popular schooling community fish. It is very similar to the Neon Tetra, but has more neon red and blue ...
Tetra-cardeal de flipaquatics.com
Classificação (56)
The Cardinal Tetra is one of the aquarium hobbies most popular schooling fish. This is due to their striking blue and red color that stands out great in any ...
Tetra-cardeal de www.aquariumcoop.com
The Cardinal Tetra is larger than the Neon Tetras and features a blue and red stripe that runs from the head to the tail. They have a unique look and are often ...
10 de dez. de 2022 · Cardinal tetras mostly belong to tropical freshwater. These fish are not known to migrate but stay in the open waters of rivers, streams, shoals ...
Tetra-cardeal de www.predatoryfins.com
US$ 2,75
The Cardinal tetra is the most popular aquarium fish in the world. It is and all time classic with amazing blue and red color. The beauty is amplified when ...
Tetra-cardeal de www.aqua-imports.com
US$ 29,99 a US$ 279,99
One of the most popular and instantly recognizable freshwater aquarium fish, the Cardinal Tetra originates from the tannin-stained, acidic wa.
Tetra-cardeal de dwazoo.com
Paracheirodon axelrodi. Description: Cardinal tetra fish have a horizontal bright, neon-like blue stripe and directly below it, a brilliant red stripe.