Dr. Rakesh Jain Cardiologist | Best Heart Specialist | Angioplasty Specialist | Heart Doctor | Heart Block
Dr. Rakesh Jain Cardiologist | Best Heart Specialist | Angioplasty Specialist | Heart Doctor | Heart Block
Nov 24, 2023
Cycling Is Good For Your Heart!!! πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈπŸ’™ πŸ‘‰ Improve Cardiovascular Fitness πŸ‘‰ Strengthen The Heart Muscle πŸ‘‰ Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease πŸ‘‰ Reduce Stress πŸ‘‰ Improve Mental Health Cycling isn't just a great way to explore, it's also a fantastic boost for your heart health. Pedal your way to a healthier heart and a happier you! πŸŒˆπŸ‘Ÿ Dr. Rakesh Jain, MD, DM, FACC πŸ“ Secretary, CSI INDORE πŸ₯ Clinical Secretary, API INDORE πŸ“– Editor, IMA Indore πŸ₯Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist πŸ“ Mahaveer Heart Clinic and diagnostic Centre, TBC tower Geeta Bhawan square, INDORE