

Parents Music Resource Centerは、過激な性的表現や暴力的表現、ドラッグの使用やアルコールの摂取を賛美するような表現がされていると見なした音楽作品にペアレンタル・アドバイザリーのステッカーを貼るように義務付け、子供... ウィキペディア
The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American committee formed in 1985 with the stated goal of increasing parental control over the access of ...
2015/09/17 · Original frontman Ozzy Osbourne was long gone, and Ian Gillan, the singer of the Filthy 15 selection "Trashed," which appeared on Sabbath's 1983 ...
The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American organization. It was established in 1985. The founders of this organization were Pam Howar, ...
2015/09/19 · The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) formed in 1984 around the collective outrage of four women known for their ties to Washington political ...
2024/01/03 · The “Parental Advisory” sticker greatly affects the manner in which musicians create their music. Artists must attempt to exercise their ...
Could the PMRC's attempt to restrict and label explicit music be classified as censorship? Or did their campaign simply give voice to legions of concerned ...
The Parents Music Resource Center originally proposed a categorical rating system for explicit material. After many discussions with the record industry, we ...
2023/07/09 · "In 1985, The Parents Music Resource Center published a list of the top fifteen songs recommended to be banned, and their presumed subject ...
2024/03/07 · The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was a government committee active during the 1980s. The goals of the committee were to increase ...
The PMRC even devised its own “porn rock” rating system, with an “X” for profane or sexually explicit lyrics; “O” for occult references; “D/A” for lyrics about ...