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Flubendazol (INN), systematický název methyl-N-[6-(4-fluorbenzoyl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]karbamát, je organická sloučenina používaná jako anthelmintikum.


Chemická sloučenina
Flubendazol, systematický název methyl-N-[6--1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]karbamát, je organická sloučenina používaná jako anthelmintikum. Je znám například pod obchodním názvem Flutelmium jako veterinární léčivo proti vnitřním parazitům u psů a koček.... Wikipedie
Vzorec: C16H12FN3O3
Molární hmotnost: 313,28 g/mol
Číslo CAS: 31430-15-6
Flubendazole is an anthelmintic, used both in humans and for veterinarian purposes. It is very close chemically to mebendazole, the only difference being an ...
4. 1. 2022 · Flubendazole, belonging to benzimidazole, is a broad-spectrum insect repellent and has been repurposed as a promising anticancer drug.
Flubendazole is an anthelmintic that is used to treat worm infection in humans. It is available OTC in Europe.
9. 6. 2014 · Flubendazole is an anthelmintic that is used to treat worm infection in humans. It is available OTC in Europe.
They are the largest chemical family to treat endoparasitic diseases in domestic animals and they are widely used for prevention and treatment of parasitic ...
116,20 US$
Flubendazole elicits anti-cancer effects via targeting EVA1A-modulated autophagy and apoptosis in Triple-negative Breast Cancer. Yongqi Zhen et al.
It is used to treat hookworm, T. trichiura, and A. lumbricoides. Side effects are vague and mostly abdominal, such as nausea, abdominal pain and rumbling, soft/ ...
150,00 US$
Buy Flubendazol Ph Eur reference standard for identification, purity tests or assays of pharmaceutical products according to EP monographs.
Flatworm Rx (NEW FORMULA) ... Only 8 left in stock - order soon. WORMER Plus - Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Powder Medication. Dewormer for Fish with parasites ...