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Kraken de en.m.wikipedia.org
The kraken is a legendary sea monster of enormous size, etymologically akin to a squid or octopus, said to appear in the sea between Norway and Iceland.
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El kraken es una enorme y colosal criatura marina de la mitología nórdica descrita comúnmente como un tipo de pulpo, calamar gigante o medusa que, emergiendo de las profundidades, ataca barcos y devora a los marineros. Wikipedia
Criaturas similares: CthulhuLeviatán
Hábitat: Acuático
Mitología: Escandinava
Tipo: Críptido
Kraken de www.nhm.ac.uk
Originating in Scandinavian folklore, the kraken is usually depicted as an aggressive cephalopod-like creature capable of destroying entire ships and dragging ...
Kraken de www.britannica.com
5 abr 2024 · Kraken, legendary sea monster of Scandinavian and Norwegian lore, perhaps imagined from sightings ofgiant squids and octopi.
The meaning of KRAKEN is a gigantic tentacled sea monster of Scandinavian myth. How to use kraken in a sentence.
Hundreds of years ago, sailors were terrified by the Kraken, a dreadful sea monster capable of sinking ships and with a taste for human flesh.
Kraken de www.wired.com
10 sept 2014 · Pontoppidan notes that it has a “strong and peculiar scent, which it can emit at certain times, and by means of which it beguiles and draws ...
Kraken de wonderopolis.org
“Kraken” comes from the German word for “octopus.” This has likely influenced the way artists have painted the Kraken. It often appears as a large creature with ...
Kraken de forgottenrealms.fandom.com
Krakens were highly destructive and evil creatures. With their strong tentacles and massive strength, they could pull an entire ship down into the ocean. They ...
Kraken de www.amnh.org
The kraken is a sea monster with long, snakelike arms. This amazing creature may have been inspired by a living animal--the giant squid of the deep ocean.
Video de Kraken
Duración: 0:55
Publicado: 8 ene 2013