Criminal Defense Lawyer of Chicago
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Criminal Defense Lawyer of Chicago
10+ years in business
Services: Civil rights litigation, Traffic ticket litigation, Attempt Murder, Criminal Cases, Criminal Defense, Defense Lawyer, Legal Representation, Legal Services, Sexual Assault, Traffic Offenses, Criminal immigration defense litigation, Criminal record expungements, DUIs & reckless driving defense litigation, Domestic violence litigation, Drug possession defense litigation, Federal criminal defense litigation, Felony defense litigation, General criminal defense litigation, Petty crimes & misdemeanor defense litigation, Restraining order litigation, Sex offense defense litigation, Three-strikes law litigation, Aggravated Battery, Aggressive Criminal, Battery Charges, Criminal Case Representation, Criminal Charge, Criminal Defense Attorney For, Criminal Defense Cases, Criminal Defense Law In, Criminal Defense Lawyer, Criminal Defense Legal, Criminal Sexual Assault, Murder Charges, Personal Injury
Serves Chicago and nearby areas

From Criminal Defense Lawyer of Chicago

"Since practicing law, I have spent the most time handling criminal defense cases. I have found them to be the most rewarding. Truth, I enjoy it. I like helping those people who have been wrongfully accused. There is no better feeling than when I win...  More
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