Ellen Kuzwayo

Ellen Kuzwayo

Femme de lettres sud-africaine
Nnoseng Ellen Kuzwayo est une femme de lettres et une femme politique sud-africaine, militante anti-apartheid et pour les droits des femmes. Wikipédia
Date/Lieu de naissance : 29 juin 1914, Thaba Patchoa, Afrique du Sud
Date de décès : 19 avril 2006, Soweto, Afrique du Sud
Enseignement : Adams College
Travail remarquable : Call Me Woman (1985)

"Ellen Kuzwayo" sur en.m.wikipedia.org
Nnoseng Ellen Kate Kuzwayo (29 June 1914 – 19 April 2006) was a South African women's rights activist and politician, who was a teacher from 1938 to 1952.
"Ellen Kuzwayo" sur www.sahistory.org.za
Nnoseng Ellen Kate Khuzwayo was born on the 29th of June 1914 in Lesotho. She grew up on her grandfather's farm in Thaba Nchu and inherited the farm in 1930 ...
"Ellen Kuzwayo" sur www.auntlute.com
Ellen Kuzwayo grew up in the country, but lived most of her life in the city. She spent time as a “disgruntled schoolteacher”, social worker, mother, wife, and ...
"Ellen Kuzwayo" sur www.mandela.ac.za
Ellen Kate Kuzwayo, who has been described as "history in the person of one woman", grew up in the security of a traditional country life in the district of ...
23 avr. 2006 · Popularly known as "Ma K", she was a teacher, social worker, community leader and mentor to many. In 1994, at 79, she was elected as an ANC ...
"Ellen Kuzwayo" sur www.goodreads.com
Avis (100)
The autobiography of a 72-year-old black South African Woman who has seen and been a part of her country's political history for the last fifty years.
Ellen Kuzwayo ... She was born in South Africa in 1914 and died in 2006 from the diabetes that she suffered. She was an only child and inherited her family's farm ...
24 août 2018 · Throughout her life, Ellen Kuzwayo proved herself to be one of South Africa's most humble, determined and capable women of the 20th century.
Kuzwayo, Ellen (1914—)Teacher, social worker, Soweto community organizer, and children's rights activist who published Call Me Woman—the first autobiography ...