
Pedanios Dioskurides

Dioscorides Pedanius, Roma İmparatorluğu zamanında yaşamış, Anadolu'da Kilikia Bölgesi'nde bugün Adana'ya yakın olan, Anazarboslu'dur. Hekim ve farmakoloji bilgini. Osmanlı dönemi kitaplarında adı Skoridos olarak geçmiştir. Roma ordusunda tıp... Vikipedi
Diğer sorular
en.wikipedia.org sitesinden Dioscorides
Pedanius Dioscorides the father of pharmacognosy", was a Greek physician, pharmacologist, botanist, and author of De materia medica a 5-volume Greek ...
www.britannica.com sitesinden Dioscorides
25 Nis 2024 · Pedanius Dioscorides was a Greek physician and pharmacologist whose work De materia medica was the foremost classical source of modern ...
A deluxe herbal, it may seem a surprising gift for an aristocratic matron but, given her responsibilities for a large household, presumably a practical one.
en.wikipedia.org sitesinden Dioscorides
The Vienna Dioscurides or Vienna Dioscorides is an early 6th-century Byzantine Greek illuminated manuscript of an even earlier 1st century AD work, ...
Kullanıcıların yaptığı diğer aramalar
www.loc.gov sitesinden Dioscorides
This book exemplifies the transfer of knowledge across the centuries. During the first century, the Greek doctor and apothecary Dioscorides, who is considered ...
Dioscorides describes how the wine made from mandragora produces anaesthesia: Using a cyathus of it on those who cannot sleep, or are grievously pained, or are ...
dental.nyu.edu sitesinden Dioscorides
Pedanius Dioscorides (Pedánios Dioskourídēs in Greek, c. ... Dioscorides was regarded as the most prominent writer on plants and plant drugs for almost two ...
www.healthandenvironment.org sitesinden Dioscorides
Dioscorides was an ancient Greek physician, pharmacologist and botanist who practiced in Rome at the times of Nero. He had the opportunity to travel extensively ...
www.greekmedicine.net sitesinden Dioscorides
Master Herbalist, Father of Pharmacy. About two thousand years ago, Pedanius Dioscorides, a physician traveling throughout the Roman Empire with Emperor Nero's ...
Pedanius Dioscorides (40 AD – 90 AD) was an Ancient Greek physician and botanist. His work,De materia medica was the leading literature in pharmacological ...