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Gianluca Masi

Gianluca Masi è un astrofisico e divulgatore scientifico italiano. Wikipedia
Nascita: 22 gennaio 1972 (età 52 anni), Frosinone, Italia
Gianluca Masi da www.virtualtelescope.eu
Author: Gianluca Masi · Il quasar SDSS J114816.64+525150.3 ripreso tramite il Virtual Telescope Project tra marzo · Press Releases / quasar. 04/15/2024 · Comet ...
Gianluca Masi (Frosinone, 22 gennaio 1972) è un astrofisico e divulgatore scientifico italiano. Biografia modifica. È curatore scientifico del Planetario e ...
Gianluca Masi (born 22 January 1972) is an Italian astrophysicist and astronomer, as well as a discoverer of minor planets and variable stars.
Gianluca Masi da www.virtualtelescope.eu
This page describes the scientific and public activities of astrophysicist Gianluca Masi, founder and scientific director of the Virtual Telescope Project.
Gianluca Masi is the Founder of The Virtual Telescope Project. He received his undergraduate degree in Physics at the University of Rome La Sapienza and his ...
Gianluca Masi da twitter.com
Now an astrophysicist, I discovered the Cosmos when I was a child: lost there since then. I love sharing the Cosmos with people worldwide via ...
Gianluca Masi da www.fondazionepergolesispontini.com
È nato a Frosinone nel 1972. Laureato a pieni voti in Fisica, indirizzo astrofisico, presso l'Università “La Sapienza”, ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di ...
Gianluca Masi is an Italian astrophysicist and founder of the Virtual Telescope project (part of Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory), consisting in several ...
1 mar 2024 · Gianluca Masi · IAU Status · Affiliation(s) within the IAU · Areas of interest. 1 - General: 1.3 - History and philosophy of astronomy, 1.6 - ...
Gianluca Masi, astrophysicist and science communicator by profession, has been a photographer for a long time. He loves the night. www.gianlucamasi.it.