Founded in 1961 to report on the latest work in psychiatry and cognate disciplines, the Journal of Psychiatric Research is dedicated to innovative and ...
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Journal of Psychiatric Research

Rivista accademica
Il Journal of Psychiatric Research è una rivista medica mensile sottoposta a revisione paritaria che copre la ricerca in quattro aree principali della psichiatria: studi clinici sul comportamento umano ... Wikipedia (inglese)
Editori: Elsevier
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Scope. Founded in 1961 to report on the latest work in psychiatry and cognate disciplines, the Journal of Psychiatric Research is dedicated to innovative ...
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Founded in 1961 to report on the latest work in psychiatry and cognate disciplines, the Journal of Psychiatric Research is dedicated to innovative and timely ...
As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, the contents by NLM ...
Get access to Journal of Psychiatric Research details, impact factor, Journal Ranking, H-Index, ISSN, Citescore, Scimago Journal Rank (SJR).
Elsevier's psychiatry journals cover all aspects of psychiatry. Whether you are looking to read articles, subscribe to a journal in print or online, ...
Founded in 1961 to report on the latest work in psychiatry and cognate disciplines, the Journal of Psychiatric Research is dedicated to innovative and ...
Journal of Psychiatric Research focuses on Clinical psychology but the discussions also offer insight into other areas such as Suicide prevention, Cognition and ...