
Сосновая аимофила

Воробей Бахмана, также известный как воробей соснового леса или воробей дубового леса, представляет собой небольшой американский воробей, который является эндемиком юго-востока Соединенных Штатов. Этот вид был назван в честь преподобного Джона... Википедия (Английский язык)
Высшая классификация: Аимофилы
Масса: 20 г (взрослая особь)
"Peucaea aestivalis", источник: en.m.wikipedia.org
Bachman's sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis), also known as the pinewoods sparrow or oakwoods sparrow, is a small American sparrow that is endemic to the ...
"Peucaea aestivalis", источник: www.allaboutbirds.org
The brownish gray and rusty Bachman's Sparrow sports a long, rounded tail and a heavy, round bill. This pinewood sparrow hops through open and grassy ...
"Peucaea aestivalis", источник: ebird.org
Rare and declining sparrow found in longleaf pine woodlands with grassy or brushy undergrowth. Usually quite secretive. Look for unstreaked grayish-tan ...
Bachman's Sparrow is an enigmatic resident of mature pine woods and open forest habitats of the southeastern United States. Early naturalists and writers in ...
"Peucaea aestivalis", источник: www.fs.usda.gov
According to literature reviews, Bachman's sparrows occur primarily in the southeastern United States from the central region of peninsular Florida north to ...
"Peucaea aestivalis", источник: www.audubon.org
Plain in appearance but with a beautiful whistled song, Bachman's Sparrow is an uncommon and elusive resident of the Southeast. Its classic habitat is ...
"Peucaea aestivalis", источник: www.allaboutbirds.org
A larger sparrow with a long, round tail. It is brownish gray above with rusty-streaked feathers and a rusty crown. The throat is buffy with sparse rusty ...
Once a common inhabitant of southern pine forests, now very local. In S. Carolina, maximum density of about 0.41 to 0.48 birds per hectare in suitable habitat ( ...
This species is considered to be one of the most rapidly declining bird species in North America (Butcher and Niven 2007). Fire suppression, and the associated ...
Peucaea aestivalis bachmani: Oak-pine woods of Mid-Atlantic states to n Gulf states. Source: Clements checklist. English: Bachman's ...