Alta Pest Control
Alta Pest Control
10+ years in business
Services: Ant extermination, Bee extermination, Bug & insect extermination, Cockroach extermination, Flea & mite extermination, General pest inspection, General wildlife removal, Home inspection, Hornet & wasp extermination, Mosquito extermination, Rodent extermination, Spider extermination, Termite extermination, Termite inspection, Aphid Control, Aphid Treatments, Barrier Spray, Beetle Infestation, Carpet Beetle Control, Carpet Beetles, Clogged Gutters, Common Pests, Comprehensive Inspection, Disease Control, Earwig Control, Emergency Services, Exclusion Work, Exterior Aphid Treatments, Exterior Tick Treatments, Exterior Treatments, Flea & Tick Control, Flea And Tick Control Services, Flea Control Services, Flea Treatments, Fly Control, Free Phone Consultations, Get Rid, Household Pests, Inspection And Treatment, Interior And Exterior Flea Treatments, Interior Treatments, Maintenance Plan, Millipedes, Nuisance Pests, Outdoor Pests, Pantry Pests, Residential & Commercial, Scorpion Control, Scorpion Control Services, Silverfish Control, Silverfish Infestation, Slugs & Snails, Snail And Slug Treatments, Specialty Services, Spider Control Services, Spot Treatments, Stinging Insect Control, Stinging Insect Control Services, Stinging Insects, Thorough Inspections, Tick Treatments, Ticks, Trash Management, Wasp Control, Wasps & Yellow Jackets, animal friendly pest control, pet friendly pest control
Serves Bellevue and nearby areas

From Alta Pest Control

"Offering customer-focused solutions and consistent results, the team at Alta Pest Control is the name to turn for any and all pest issues you might face. From ants to mosquitos and mice to roaches, we have seen and handled just about everything, and...  More
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