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Mission to Mars

PG · 2000 ‧ Sci-Fi/Abenteuer ‧ 1 h 54 min
5,7/10 · IMDb 30 % · Rotten Tomatoes
Im Jahr 2020 gelingt es einer Gruppe von Astronauten unter Leitung von Luke Graham, zum Mars zu fliegen und erfolgreich auf der Oberfläche des roten Planeten zu landen. Gleich beim ersten Erkundungsgang geraten sie jedoch in einen heftigen...
Erscheinungsdatum: 6. März 2000 (Vereinigte Staaten)
Direktor: Brian De Palma
Budget: 90 Millionen USD und 100 Millionen USD
Adaptiert von: Mission to Mars
Drehbuch: Jim Thomas; John Thomas; Graham Yost

Weitere Fragen
Mission to Mars von en.m.wikipedia.org
Mission to Mars is a 2000 American science fiction adventure film directed by Brian De Palma, written by Jim Thomas, John Thomas, and Graham Yost, ...
Mission to Mars von m.imdb.com
Bewertung (76.511)
When the first manned mission to Mars meets with a catastrophic and mysterious disaster after reporting an unidentified structure, a rescue mission is launched ...
Mission to Mars von www.rottentomatoes.com
Bewertung (1.447)
Jim McConnell (Gary Sinise), Woody Blake (Tim Robbins), Phil Ohlmyer (Jerry O'Connell) and Terri Fisher (Connie Nielsen) are sent on a rescue mission to rescue ...
Mission to Mars von www.amazon.com
Bewertung (3.682) · 2,82 $
Confronted with nearly insurmountable dangers, but propelled by deep friendship, the team finally lands on Mars and makes a discovery so amazing, it takes your ...
Mission to Mars von www.amazon.com
Bewertung (3.680) · 17,99 $
After the first manned mission to Mars ends in a devastating tragedy, a Mars Recovery Mission is launched in order to investigate the catastrophe and bring ...
Mission to Mars von tv.apple.com
Confronted with nearly insurmountable dangers, but propelled by deep friendship, the team finally lands on Mars and makes a discovery so amazing, it takes your ...
10.03.2000 · Arriving on the red planet, they find the survivor, hear his story and then are led into a virtual reality version of a close encounter of the ...
Mission to Mars von play.google.com
3,99 $
Confronted with nearly insurmountable dangers, but propelled by deep friendship, the team finally lands on Mars and makes a discovery so amazing, it takes your ...
Mission to Mars · Gary Sinise: Jim McConnell · Tim Robbins: Woodrow „Woody“ Blake · Don Cheadle: Luke Graham · Connie Nielsen: Terri Fisher · Jerry O'Connell: ...