NetBlocks Cost of Shutdown Tool™ (COST) is a data-driven online service that enables anyone – including journalists, researchers, advocates, policy makers, ...


NetBlocks是一個監測網絡安全和網際網路監管的監督組織。該組織成立於2017年,目的是監測網際網路自由。NetBlocks會發布關於網際網路監管和可持續能源的報導 。 維基百科
The Internet's Observatory: Tracking cybersecurity and digital governance • connectivity and democracy • tools and policy for change.
NetBlocks is a watchdog organization that monitors cybersecurity and the governance of the Internet. The service was launched in 2017 to monitor Internet ...
The Internet's Observatory: Tracking cybersecurity and digital governance • connectivity and democracy • tools and policy for change. netblocks.org.
NetBlocks. 25430 likes · 9 talking about this. The Internet's Observatory: Tracking cybersecurity and digital governance • connectivity and democracy •...
2021年7月14日 · NetBlocks has become a crucial source of truth in the era of internet shutdowns. But many are now questioning its methods.
The Internet's Observatory: Tracking disruptions and shutdowns, building tools and policy for change • bridging the digital divide. netblocks.organd 6 more ...