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Kalatea je rod kvetoucích rostlin, který se řadí do čeledi marantovité. Tento rod momentálně zahrnuje okolo 60 druhů a je rozšířen primárně v tropické Americe. Kalatey bývají často pěstovány vevnitř jako pokojové rostliny, díky svým okrasným... Wikipédia
Odborný názov: Calathea
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Calathea z webu abeautifulmess.com
8. 1. 2024 · Calathea plants are a popular houseplant that are relatively easy to care for and known for their eye-catching patterns.
Calathea z webu plantizia.sk
Môže doma calathea vykvitnúť? Ako nájsť pre calatheu vhodné miesto? Dá sa calathea množiť? S akými rastlinami sú calathey príbuzné a čím sa od nich odlišujú?
Calathea z webu www.thesill.com
Calathea is a genus of neotropical rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plants that are known for the unique leaf movements of patterned foliage (more on that below) ...
Calathea z webu en.m.wikipedia.org
Calathea is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Marantaceae. They are commonly called calatheas or (like their relatives) prayer plants.
Calathea z webu www.gardenersworld.com
4. 2. 2022 · However unlike marantas, they do not close their leaves up at night. Many calathea varieties have recently been moved into the genus Goeppertia, ...
Calathea z webu home.howstuffworks.com
29. 1. 2024 · Calathea plants can do with some direct sunlight, but be careful with giving them too much light. They prefer bright indirect light and will ...
Calathea z webu www.thespruce.com
20. 7. 2022 · Calathea plants are best for any room where you have a somewhat bright window, and they should be placed out of the line of drafts and heating/ ...
Calathea z webu www.gardendesign.com
Calathea is a popular indoor plant grown for its highly decorative foliage that comes in an assortment of eye-catching patterns, colors, and shapes.
Calathea z webu www.ambius.com
The Calathea plant is a popular plant used for indoor office decoration purposes. It is often used in homes and businesses as well. It is a type of plant that ...