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Capital de Islandia
Reikiavik, en la costa de Islandia, es la capital del país y su ciudad más grande. Cuenta con el Museo Nacional y el Museo de Saga, que recorren la historia vikinga de Islandia. La impresionante iglesia de concreto Hallgrimskirkja y el domo de...
Población: 122,853 (2016)
Alcalde: Dagur B. Eggertsson (ASD)
Código postal: 101–155
Coordenadas: 64°08′51″N 21°56′06″O / 64.1475, -21.935
Gentilicio: Reikiavikense

Reikiavik de en.wikipedia.org
Reykjavík is the capital and largest city of Iceland. It is located in southwestern Iceland, on the southern shore of Faxaflói bay.
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A city full of life, beaming with creativity and surrounded by incredible nature. Attractions & Activities.
Reikiavik de www.icelandtravel.is
Reykjavik is by far the largest municipality in Iceland and the capital city of the country. Discover the best top things to do in Reykjavík.
Reikiavik de www.britannica.com
19 abr 2024 · Reykjavík, capital and largest city of Iceland. It is located on the Seltjarnar Peninsula, at the southeastern corner of Faxa Bay, ...
Reikiavik de guidetoiceland.is
Reykjavik is the northernmost capital city in the world. Reykjavík is the capital of Iceland and the northernmost capital of any sovereign state in the world.
Reikiavik de www.visiticeland.com
Reykjavík is a city of bold contrasts: it is both cosmopolitan and small-town; vibrant and sophisticated; young-at-heart and yet full of history. Many monuments ...
Reikiavik ... Reikiavik​ (en islandés: Reykjavík, «bahía humeante»)​ oficialmente Reykjavíkurborg, «Ciudad de Reikiavik», es la capital y ciudad más poblada de ...
Reikiavik de www.visiticeland.com
Reykjavík is renowned for its weekend party scene that goes strong into the wee hours, and even spills over onto some of the weekdays (especially in summer).
Reikiavik de www.lonelyplanet.com
The world's most northerly capital combines colorful buildings, quirky, creative people, eye-popping design, wild nightlife and a capricious soul.
Reikiavik de visitreykjavik.is
The Reykjavík City Card offers free entry to a great selection of museums and galleries, all swimming pools in Reykjavík, and free unlimited travel by bus ...