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Kronosaurus es un género extinto de pliosaurios de cuello corto que vivieron en el Cretácico inferior, en lo que hoy es Australia. Se encontraba entre los pliosaurios más grandes y debe su nombre al líder de los Titanes, Cronos. Wikipedia
Longitud: 9 – 11 m (Adulto)
Nombre científico: Kronosaurus
Primer registro fósil: Berriasiense
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Kronosaurus de es.wikipedia.org
Kronosaurus ("lagarto de Cronos") es un género extinto de pliosaurios de cuello corto que vivieron en el Cretácico inferior (hace 125 a 99 millones de años) ...
Kronosaurus is an extinct genus of short-necked pliosaurs that lived during the Early Cretaceous period (Aptian to Late Albian) in what is now Australia.
Kronosaurus de australian.museum
Kronosaurus queenslandicus, from the Early Cretaceous of Queensland, was the largest known pliosaurid. These huge marine carnivores plied the oceans and inland ...
Kronosaurus de dinopedia.fandom.com
Kronosaurus (meaning "Lizard of Kronos") is a extinct genus of large carnivorous marine reptile that belong to the order of Plesiosauria and the suborder of ...
Kronosaurus was a short-necked reptile that lived in the ocean during the time of the dinosaurs. It belonged to a group of marine reptiles called plesiosaurs.
Kronosaurus is a genus of marine reptile in Evolution 2. Originating from Early Cretaceous Australia and South America, it's part of the Early Cretaceous Pack ...
Kronosaurus was a plesiosaur, a type of marine reptile. It was not a dinosaur, though it coexisted with many dinosaurs. The first Kronosaurus fossil was ...
16 abr 2024 · In contrast, Kronosaurus, an early Cretaceous pliosaur whose fossils have been unearthed in Australia and Colombia, grew to about 9–11 metres ( ...
Diet: Carnivore. Size: Estimated between‭ ‬9‭ ‬and‭ ‬10‭ ‬meters long.‭ ‬Skull‭ ‬2.7‭ ‬meters long. Known locations: Australia. Time period: Aptian to Albian of ...
El Kronosaurus es un reptil marino de la familia de los pliosaurios que data del Cretácico inferior y debe su nombre al dios griego Cronos.