

Los psílidos son una familia de insectos hemípteros del suborden Sternorrhyncha. La mayoría se especializan en una o unas pocas especies huéspedes. Algunas especies son serias plagas de los cultivos. Algunas transmiten patógenos a las plantas que... Wikipedia
Nombre científico: Psyllidae
Orden: Hemiptera
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Psyllidae de en.m.wikipedia.org
Psyllidae, the jumping plant lice or psyllids, are a family of small plant-feeding insects that tend to be very host-specific, i.e. each plant-louse species ...
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The group historically treated as Psyllidae is now considered to be a superfamily, Psylloidea, with 8 constituent familes; refer to Psylloidea for general ...
Psyllidae de www.inaturalist.org
Jumping plant lice or psyllids form the family Psyllidae of small plant-feeding insects that tend to be very host-specific, i.e. each plant-louse species ...
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Psyllidae de bmcmicrobiol.biomedcentral.com
7 ene 2022 · Psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) comprise a group of plant sap-sucking insects that includes important agricultural pests.
Auchenorrhyncha are the leafhoppers, planthoppers, cicadas and allies. Some authorities divide this into two separate sub-orders: Cicadamorpha and Fulgoromorpha ...
Potato psyllid, Bactericerca (Paratrioza) cockerelli (Sulc.) (Psyllidae), occurs throughout the western United States, especially the Mountain states. Losses ...
Psyllidae de edis.ifas.ufl.edu
Eggs are pale to bright yellow and are laid singly or in groups on both leaves and stems of melaleuca (Figure 7). They are held on by a narrow projection or ...
Psyllidae de ag.umass.edu
The boxwood psyllid is a pest of nearly all boxwoods (Buxus spp.). It causes minor damage (leaf cupping), but doesn't otherwise harm the health of the plant.
Psyllidae · GenusAcaerus · GenusAcizzia · GenusAgelaeopsylla · GenusAgonoscena · GenusAmorphicola · GenusAnoecoconeossa · GenusAnoeconeossa · GenusAnomalopsylla.