Premier Pest Control
Premier Pest Control
Services: Ant extermination, Bed bug extermination, Bee extermination, Cockroach extermination, Flea & mite extermination, General pest inspection, Hornet & wasp extermination, Mosquito extermination, Rodent extermination, Spider extermination, Termite extermination, Termite inspection, Commercial Pest Control Services, Exterior Service, Food Processing, Interior Service, Medical Centers, Pest Control Treatments, Pest Solutions, Residential Services, Storage Facilities
Serves Barboursville and nearby areas

From Premier Pest Control

"The Premier Difference: Every home is different and has different pest needs. We customize our pest service plans to meet your home's needs and your family’s budget! Our combined 35 years of pest control experience has taught us that there are...  More
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