

Le floorball, aussi appelé unihockey en Suisse, est un sport collectif où deux équipes de cinq joueurs et un gardien s'affrontent en trois tiers-temps de vingt minutes. L'objectif est de mettre la balle dans le but adverse à l'aide d'une crosse,... Wikipédia
Clubs : 6 184 en 2019
Fédération internationale : IFF (fondée en 1986)
Joueurs/équipe : 6, dont le gardien de but
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"Floorball" sur en.wikipedia.org
Floorball is a type of floor hockey with five players and a goalkeeper in each team. It is played indoors with 96–115.5 cm-long (37.8–45.5 in) sticks and a ...
"Floorball" sur www.floorballplanet.com
What is floorball? Floorball is a type of indoor hockey that doesn't require any bulky equipment. All you need is a stick and a ball!
Floorball is a versatile indoor team sport played on a 40 x 20 m surface in a rink. Each team has five field players and a goalkeeper.
The United States Floorball Association is the official governing body of floorball in the USA. The United States Floorball Association is here to help support ...
Floorball is played in a match between two teams consisting of five field players and a goalkeeper in the rink at one time. The idea of the game is to score ...
"Floorball" sur www.specialolympics.org
Floorball is a versatile indoor team sport developed in the 1970s in Sweden, played in a rink with five field players plus a goalkeeper in each team. Floorball ...
"Floorball" sur sosc.org
Traditional training, local competitions, and annual championship event. Floorball is also offered and a Unified Sport. Learn more about Unified Sports.
"Floorball" sur www.spized.com
Floorball is an indoor team sport. The aim is to use a floorball stick to shoot the small, holey plastic game ball into the opponent's goal.
"Floorball" sur www.floorballplanet.com
Find the right ball for your floorball or indoor pickleball game at FloorballPlanet. We offer a great selection of heavy-duty wiffle balls from renowned ...